Week 5
Week 5 – It Works on My Machine
Table of Contents
- Due Dates & Links
- Lab Tasks
- Required Task – Synchronize Your Group Work
- Required Task – Setup Github Actions on a Repository
- Required Task – Improve
- Group Choice 1 – Streamline
Configuration - Group Choice 2 – Set up Github Access from ieng6
- Group Choice 3 – Copy Whole Directories with
scp -r
- Group Choice 4 – Discuss Strategies for Skill Demo Video
- Skill Demonstration 1
Due Dates & Links
Due This Week
- Quiz 5 - Due 11:59am February 2, 2022
- Skill Demonstration 1 - Due 5pm February 4, 2022
Notes from Class
Lab Tasks
As usual, some of the lab tasks could change a bit before Wednesday, but the general outline is here.
Note that the skill demonstration description is firm, and we’ll only add clarifications and extra information, not change the task, at this point.
Today is a bit “potpourri” and a bit “choose your own adventure.” There are a few short things I want to make sure everyone does, and then a few options for how to spend your time. These include some cool tips and tricks that might help you out in the future, some situations that students have run into explicitly in class, and a space to chat about what you’re doing for your skill demo.
Do the required tasks, then as a group pick some of the others to try. If you have time, do them all!
Required Task – Synchronize Your Group Work
You’ve all done some work either in the same repository or in different repositories over the last few labs. Take some time to make sure everyone has the most up-to-date version of the markdown-parse
you’re working on as a group. You could do this in a few ways; figure out which strategy works best for your group! For example, you might:
- Put all links to Github repositories in your shared notes doc
- Have one person add all the tests + fixes from the other repository to their repository
- Have everyeone else copy that work back to their own copy
- Have everyone pull/clone their copy and make sure they can run the tests
Write in notes: Include screenshots from each group member getting it all to work.
Required Task – Setup Github Actions on a Repository
In class on Monday, we saw how to create a Github Action that would run our tests. Refer to that video. Set up a Github Action that runs your JUnit tests from last week. (You can see how it was set up here: https://github.com/ucsd-cse15l-w22/markdown-parse).
Commit and push a failing test. How does it show up on Github? Do you get any other notifications?
Commit and push a fix to the test. How does it show up on Github? Do you get any other notifications?
Write in notes: Take screenshots of and copy links to the output from the above steps.
Required Task – Improve markdown-parse
In the past few labs, you worked on adding tests and improving markdown-parse
Do this once more – add one new failure-inducing input, add it as a JUnit test, then commit and push with the failing output in the commit message.
Then, come up with a fix/improvement to the code to address this case while still succeeding on all the previous test cases. Commit and push the change.
Write in notes: Add the links to the commits you made above.
Group Choice 1 – Streamline ssh
When you log into ieng6
from your laptop, you type something like:
$ ssh cs15lwi22zzz@ieng6.ucsd.edu
That’s a lot to type and remember! SSH, like many programs, has configuration files that can save you some typing. You can put an entry in ~/.ssh/config
that tells SSH what username to use when logging into specific servers, and even give servers nicknames. For example, try opening ~/.ssh/config
(on your computer, creating it if it doesn’t exist), and adding these lines:
Host ieng6
HostName ieng6.ucsd.edu
User cs15lwi22zzz (use your username)
And then try this command:
ssh ieng6
If things are set up correctly, this should use the key and log you in with the username you specified using your public key.
If this doesn’t work, you can try adding a line to explicitly refer to your id_rsa
Host ieng6
HostName ieng6.ucsd.edu
User cs15lwi22zzz (use your username)
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_ucsd
Note that paths may look a little different on Windows, they may use \
instead of /
for instance. Talk with your group and think about any errors you get, and if they could be related to paths or other issues you’ve seen in the past!
Write in notes: Take screenshots of your new login that’s faster and easier to type! It will look something like this:
⤇ ssh ieng6
Last login: Tue Feb 1 15:54:09 2022 from joes-mbp.dynamic.ucsd.edu
quota: No filesystem specified.
Hello cs15lwi22, you are currently logged into ieng6-201.ucsd.edu
You are using 0% CPU on this system
Cluster Status
Hostname Time #Users Load Averages
ieng6-201 15:55:01 21 0.25, 0.44, 0.62
ieng6-202 15:55:01 20 0.11, 0.07, 0.07
ieng6-203 15:55:01 13 1.27, 1.32, 1.28
Tue Feb 01, 2022 3:56pm - Prepping cs15lwi22
You can change ieng6
after Host
to another name if you like; it’s an alias you are inventing for ssh
to interpret.
A related post is this answer.
Group Choice 2 – Set up Github Access from ieng6
In command-line git
, we saw in class how to use clone
and pull
to get code from Github, and git status
to check the status. We didn’t see as much how to commit
and push
from the command line. In fact, if you try to do this from the command line, you’ll likely see an error! Here’s what it looks like for me after I make an edit to MarkdownParse.java
and try to add, commit, and push it:
⤇ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: MarkdownParse.java
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
⤇ git add MarkdownParse.java
⤇ git commit -m "adding a line"
[main 4cbda16] adding a line
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
⤇ git push origin main
Username for 'https://github.com': jpolitz
Password for 'https://jpolitz@github.com':
remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.
remote: Please see https://github.blog/2020-12-15-token-authentication-requirements-for-git-operations/ for more information.
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://github.com/ucsd-cse15l-wi22/markdown-parse/'
The error message, with this article referenced, explains that you can no longer use a password for this operation. You must use a token-based login mechanism like SSH keys.
To address this, you can follow the instructions here in this tutorial to add the public key you made as part of the remote access lab to Github. You can also make a new SSH key and have one for your access to ieng6
and one for access to Github. Try it!
Write in notes: You’ll know you’ve succeeded when you can use git push origin main
after committing to push your changes to Github from the command line.
Managing Multiple Keys
If you do make another key, you can also make a change to your .ssh/config
on your computer to have an entry for Github. For example, Joe has this entry in his .ssh/config
Host github.com
HostName github.com
User jpolitz
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github
When I made that key, I didn’t just press Enter
to use the default filename, but made a new file by writing out the path to it:
⤇ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/joe/.ssh/id_rsa): /Users/joe/.ssh/id_rsa_github
A Key on ieng6
For even more command-line pushing fun, you can also run ssh-keygen
while logged into your course-specific account, then copy the public key to Github following the tutorial above. That will allow you to push to Github from the ieng6
machines. If you’re working on those computers while physically in the labs, it’s a good idea to get this set up!
This kind of use case is why Github lets you upload multiple different public keys.
Group Choice 3 – Copy Whole Directories with scp -r
We’ve often been working with entire directories of files (like with lib/
). Our strategies for copying a single file with scp
from week 1 won’t necessarily work as a result, or at least will be much more onerous (we’d have to copy file after file). And with subdirectories like lib/
, we’d have to figure out how make the directories on the remote server, and then copy the files inside… tiring and error prone!
Thankfully, scp
has an option for handling this. We can ask scp
to copy recursively, meaning it will copy a directory and all the files and directories within it, and all the files and directories within those, and so on.
That means we could copy our whole markdown-parse
directory to the server with one command (and then use other tools we know to run the code there).
Say we’re in a terminal, and the working directory is our checkout of markdown-parse
⤇ pwd
⤇ ls
MarkdownParse.java test-file2.md test-file6.md
MarkdownParseTest.java test-file3.md test-file7.md
lib test-file4.md test-file8.md
test-file.md test-file5.md
We can use scp
to copy this directory (represented by .
) to the remote server. We also have to give a name of the directory we want it to copy into on the remote server:
$ scp -r . cs15lwi22@ieng6.ucsd.edu:~/markdown-parse
The -r
option tells scp
to work recursively. The .
is the source, and is the current directory. The ~/markdown-parse
tells scp
to create the markdown-parse
directory on the remote server (if it doesn’t exist), and then copy the contents of this directory recursively there.
If we do this, then we can log into the server with ssh
and see all of our files there in a directory called markdown-parse
⤇ scp -r . ieng6:markdown-parse
test-file5.md 100% 39 13.5KB/s 00:00
MarkdownParseTest.java 100% 568 205.4KB/s 00:00
test-file6.md 100% 27 12.8KB/s 00:00
test-file2.md 100% 110 56.1KB/s 00:00
⤇ ssh cs15lwi22@ieng6.ucsd.edu
[cs15lwi22@ieng6-201]:~:99$ ls markdown-parse
MarkdownParse.java test-file.md test-file4.md test-file7.md
MarkdownParseTest.java test-file2.md test-file5.md test-file8.md
lib test-file3.md test-file6.md
Note that when we do this it copies not just the files we see with ls
, but all of the files in .git
as well. This is fine for most uses you’ll run into. However, you can have more control over what gets copied. Try this command:
⤇ scp -r *.java *.md lib/ cs15lwi22@ieng6.ucsd.edu:markdown-parse
What does that copy? What do you think *.java
and *.md
Write in notes: Take a screenshot of copying the files with scp
as above. Can you come up with a way to write a single command that will copy a whole directory, then ssh
to the server and run a command?
Note that if you did the first option for streamlining your .ssh configuration, you can use the short name for ieng6
in all of these scp
and ssh
commands! For example you could shorten the second command to
⤇ scp -r *.java *.md lib/ ieng6:markdown-parse
(A useful reference on scp -r
is this answer online on serverfault)
Group Choice 4 – Discuss Strategies for Skill Demo Video
Have a conversation about tips, techniques, and strategies for your first skill demonstration video! The sample video and task is below. Feel free to ask questions about it on Piazza.
Skill Demonstration 1
For your first skill demonstration video, you will record a screencast of yourself (using Zoom is one good way) demonstrating some of the concrete skills you learned in the first 4 weeks of the course.
In the video, show:
- Your face + a photo ID (that’s the only time you have to show your face)
- Creating a new repository on Github
- Creating a file with a Java class
- Creating another file with a JUnit test for a method in that class, the test must fail initially
- Add any code/libraries needed to make the JUnit test run
- Commiting all of the code/libraries required for running that test
- Running the test in your
course-specific account - Fix the test so it passes, then run it again on your
account and commit/push the changes (you can commit/push and run the update in any order)
Constraints and Examples
You must do this all in one take (you can’t stitch together multiple videos) and the video needs to be less than 15 minutes. Probably your first try won’t be 15 minutes – you may have to practice several times to get the process down to 15 minutes; you are free to ask for any help you need in getting your own process down to that time!
The classes and method you create can be anything, and you could copy/paste their contents from somewhere, but you have to create the files as part of your video.
Similarly, you have to create a new repository as part of the video, perform all commits as part of the video, show the tests running as part of the video, and so on.
It’s up to you how to run the test in your cs15l
- You could
the relevant files after they are created and/or updated - You could
into your account and clone the repository, thenpull
on updates - You could do something else that you prefer
Here’s an example of Joe doing the task:
A brief tutorial on how to make a recording with Zoom is here:
The video must be submitted by 5pm Friday, February 4.
Upload your video file to the Skill Demonstration 1 - Video assignment on Gradescope. Make sure to try uploading well in advance of the deadline for two reasons:
- Make sure that you aren’t recording an extremely large/high-definition video; there are some (reasonable) file-size limits
- Make sure you have time to upload the video
If something goes wrong for you uploading near the deadline (for example, you only have a link to a video instead of an actual video to upload for some reason), upload a README file explaining the situation to the best of your ability instead of the video itself.
Once submitted, you should be able to see the video file you uploaded and check that it plays within Gradescope. Please do so!